A very cute one at that! I was born in Bristol, England, where I was the third babe to join the Summerlee clan. My parents lived in Goldney Hall before moving to Guelph, Ontario so that my dad could pursue a career as a veterinarian at the University of Guelph.
CUT TO....heading to Queens University in Kingston to complete a Bachelor of Arts Honours, which was followed by a Master in Political Science and Applied Statistics at Wilfrid Laurier, and a quick stint (3 years) in the PhD program at the University of Guelph. I realized that while I loved academia, my heart was somewhere else.
After a decade in academia, I used the skills I had gained to be a part of an organization that worked in rural communities around the world, more specifically South East Asia, India and South America.
I was lucky enough to see some incredibly remote corners of the world and meet the most amazing human beings ever. I've included some of my favourite moments of my work travels!
Having always grown up with a camera, it stayed close to me while I traveled. I captured some images that will stay will me for the rest of my life. If you want to see more of my pictures during my time abroad, I'd love to share them with you!
One moment that sticks out vividly in my mind is this poster on the wall of an HIV clinic in rural India - SMILE A LOT. IT COSTS NOTHING. I make it a point to smile at EVERYONE I see no matter what kind of day I am having.

You might remember me from a little company called Painted White Photography in Guelph, Ontario. I started this business in homage to my dear friend Jessica Rose, who, when refurbishing furniture painted everything white. We have worked together creatively since 2015, and I am forever grateful for her beautiful presence in my life.
I made the change to Lydia Ivy Photography in June 2020 (during a global pandemic, I know!). The name Lydia is what my parents gave me, and the name Ivy is in honour of my great grandmother. Ivy Maud Summerlee wanted to be a photographer, but couldn't during the time because she was a woman. I hope that she breathes new life into my work and stays close to my heart as I tell people's love stories.
in case you were wondering
I am a classically trained pianist
I played for 12 years! I learned to play using the Suzuki method.
I used to live in Malta
And since then I have visited over 13 times and counting.
I once inputted over four years of Manitoban census data
(BY HAND) for an article I co-wrote in university.